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The Ultimate Nutrition System To Maximize Energy For Diabetics
Module 1: Let's Get You Back To Healthy
Objectives Of This Course (3:20)
A Little About Me (3:01)
How To Get The Most Out of This Program (5:45)
Disclaimer Time (1:30)
Module 2: Foods That Are Making Us Tired And Sick
Causes of Diabetes Intro (1:57)
Fat Causes Diabetes? (9:50)
High Fat Diet: Pick Your Disease (2:14)
Playing Hide & Seek With Fat (5:06)
Preservatives Don't Preserve Us? (2:42)
Milk Doesn't Do A Body Good? (7:33)
Why Not Eat Wheat? (3:53)
One More Ingredient to Fear (3:02)
Module 3: Foods for Maximum Energy & Health
What Are We "Supposed" To Eat (9:08)
Which Foods Give Us Bang For The Buck (2:50)
Make The Case For Plant Based (2:03)
Say No To Supplements (3:52)
Say Yes to Organic (3:06)
How Foods Get Digested: Why Care? (5:24)
Will Fruit Make You Fat? (6:03)
Food Combining for Max Energy & Nutrition (4:28)
Module 4: Protein Needs, Best Sources, & Risks
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Protein (2:23)
Protein Protein Where Art Thou? (1:53)
What You Don’t Know Can Really Hurt You (6:03)
What Do The Pros Eat? (2:51)
Module 5: Day to Day Strategies
How Much Is Too Much? (8:18)
Must Watch - How To Get Started (4:06)
Reverse Insulin Resistance With These Foods (3:20)
4 Things to AVOID Putting In Your Child's Lunchbox (6:35)
Measurable Health Improvements
Healthy Recipes (5:16)
Module 6: Cooking Demos
Best way to start your day (1:18)
Make Your Own Milk Demos (5:43)
Anti-Diabetes Smoothie (5:39)
Delicious Chia-Chia Pudding (3:57)
How to Travel With Diabetes (3:10)
Yummy Scallion Dressing (2:09)
Voila Tapenade! (1:29)
Dr. Nicola's Famous Salad Demo (6:30)
Scrumptious Ginger Cookies (4:32)
Delicious Banana Ice Cream (2:08)
Which Foods Give Us Bang For The Buck
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